How to Screen Burn-In on OLED Displays on Galaxy Z Flip5

Screen burn-in, also known as image retention, is a common issue with OLED displays, including those on devices like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5. This phenomenon occurs when a static image gets permanently imprinted on the screen due to prolonged display of the same image. However, with proper care and preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of screen burn-in or mitigate its effects if it already occurred. Here’s how to address screen burn-in on your Galaxy Z Flip5.

1. Reduce Screen Brightness

High brightness levels can exacerbate screen burn-in. Lowering your screen brightness reduces the strain on the OLED pixels, which can help prevent burn-in. Adjust the brightness manually or enable Adaptive Brightness to let your device adjust the brightness based on your environment automatically.

2. Use Dark Mode

Activating Dark Mode converts much of your display’s content to black, significantly reducing the number of pixels that are fully lit. Since OLED screens turn off pixels to display black, using Dark Mode can decrease the likelihood of burn-in.

3. Change Wallpapers and Themes

Using static images as wallpapers for extended periods can contribute to screen burn-in. Opt for dynamic wallpapers or themes that change frequently. Also, consider using darker backgrounds, as they utilize fewer pixels.

4. Shorten Screen Timeout

The less time your screen is on with a static image, the lower the chance of burn-in. Reduce the screen timeout setting so your display turns off quickly when not in use. Navigate to Settings > Display > Screen timeout and select a shorter duration.

5. Hide or Auto-Hide Navigation Bars

Static elements like navigation bars can cause burn-in. Use features that hide these elements when not in use or enable gestures for navigation to remove them from the screen entirely.

6. Utilize Screen Shift Features

Some devices, including the Galaxy Z Flip5, come with built-in features designed to minimize burn-in by slightly shifting static display elements over time. Check your device’s settings to see if such features are available and enable them.

7. Avoid Prolonged Display of Static Images

Minimize the use of apps with static interfaces for extended periods. If possible, frequently switch between apps or take breaks to prevent any single image from staying on the screen too long.

8. Update Your Software

Samsung periodically releases software updates that may include improvements to manage or mitigate screen burn-in. Always keep your device up to date by going to Settings > Software update > Download and install.

If Burn-In Occurs

If you notice signs of burn-in on your Galaxy Z Flip5, you can try a few things to potentially lessen its visibility:

  • Pixel Refresh or Panel Refresh: Some devices include a feature to refresh the screen and reduce burn-in effects. Check your phone’s manual or settings to see if this is an option.
  • Display Repair Apps: There are apps available that claim to fix burn-in by cycling through colors to balance out uneven wear. Their effectiveness can vary, and they’re typically more useful for image retention rather than permanent burn-in.

Professional Help

If screen burn-in is severe and affects your usage, contact Samsung support or visit an authorized service center. Depending on your warranty status and the extent of the burn-in, professional repair or replacement might be your best option.

By following these guidelines, you can protect your Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 from screen burn-in, ensuring a longer lifespan and a more enjoyable viewing experience.