How to Fix Stuck Pixels on the Display on Galaxy S24 Ultra

The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra stands as a pinnacle of mobile technology, boasting cutting-edge features and unparalleled performance. However, even the most advanced devices can encounter issues, such as stuck pixels on the display. Stuck pixels can be a minor annoyance or a significant distraction, affecting your viewing experience. Fortunately, there are several solutions to address this problem and restore your display to its pristine condition.

Solution 01: Use a Pixel Fixing App

Several apps are designed specifically to fix stuck pixels by cycling through colors at a high frequency. This method attempts to shock the pixel back into normal operation.

How It Works: Download a pixel fixing app from the Google Play Store and run it. The app will display rapidly changing colors that can sometimes unstick the pixel.

Solution 02: Apply Gentle Pressure

Applying gentle pressure to the area with the stuck pixel can help realign the pixel with the screen’s matrix.

How It Works: Power off your device, wrap a soft cloth around your finger or a blunt pencil, and gently press on the stuck pixel area for about 10 seconds. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure.

Solution 03: Use Heat

A small amount of heat can help the pixel become unstuck by expanding the material around it.

How It Works: Turn off your device. Use a small, warm (not hot) cloth and gently rub over the stuck pixel area for a few minutes.

Solution 04: Flash Bright Colors

Flashing bright colors on the screen can stimulate the stuck pixel.

How It Works: Create a video or use an online tool that flashes different colors rapidly, then play it on your screen for an hour or more.

Solution 05: Tap the Screen

Tapping the screen where the stuck pixel is located can sometimes jolt it back into action.

How It Works: With the device on, gently tap the area with the stuck pixel with a blunt object. Do not tap too hard as it might cause more damage.

Solution 06: Turn Off Your Device

Sometimes, simply turning off your device for an extended period can reset the pixels.

How It Works: Power off your Galaxy S24 Ultra and leave it off for a few hours or overnight.

Solution 07: Use Software Tools

Software tools designed for pixel recovery can be effective in fixing stuck pixels.

How It Works: Install a software tool that is designed to diagnose and fix screen issues, including stuck pixels. Follow the software’s instructions carefully.

Solution 08: Update Your Firmware

Outdated firmware can sometimes cause display issues, including stuck pixels.

How It Works: Check for updates in your device settings and install any available firmware updates.

Solution 09: Factory Reset

A factory reset can resolve underlying software issues causing the pixel to stick.

How It Works: Backup your data and perform a factory reset through the settings menu. Note that this will erase all data on your device.

Solution 10: Professional Repair

If all else fails, professional repair might be necessary.

How It Works: Contact Samsung support or a professional repair service to have your screen assessed and possibly replaced.

Bonus Tip

Regularly check for software updates and maintain your screen’s cleanliness. Sometimes, software optimizations and a clean, dust-free screen can prevent many display issues, including stuck pixels.


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